
Heather-Lynn Erais

Creator of Intuitively You + Certified Life Coach

After years of my world being really, really loud… it began to feel very quiet. Like I wasn’t fighting against anything anymore, but with the directional lapse I began to feel unsure of what exactly I was fighting for either. I’d always been someone with a plan, a direction that I was working towards and a destination that I knew with a passion that I wanted to get to.

However, when things began to quiet down; I was in school, a healthy relationship and finally in a state of recovery from the many mistakes I had made…I felt more aimless then ever. I’m not sure if it was the lack of survival circumstance that made me feel so lost or just that I wasn’t sure who I was when I wasn’t fighting against/for something. I wasn’t sure who I was when I wasn’t being the girl that could handle it all…

Who was I?

What did I like?

What did I stand for?

I knew I believed in gratitude…of living an incredibly grateful like. But what does that even mean when you’ve forgotten to talk about the things that you’re grateful for.

And so, here I am now … writing and sharing as I lean into the tension of answering all those questions and maybe a few more