New Time, Same you.
New year - same you.
New month - same you.
New week - same you.
You don’t need to be fixed, you don’t need to be new.
You are enough right where you are, just as you are.
I find that so often we can look to the newness of times in our life to give us permission to be a different us than we were before. As if starting the new year, new month, new week was giving us permission to grow.
To be the person we dreamed of being, the habits we dreamed of creating….and sticking too.
Here’s my thought… you always, always have permission to grow. The permission is yours to give. It can be at any time, even in the middle of the week, the middle of the day!
And, what if the you that you are is worth holding on too, what if it is worth valuing? When we say “new me”, sometimes we’re saying the current me isn’t enough. So I’m curious, what if the person we dream of being is part of us all along? If we don’t need to be someone new, we can nurture who already are. Soothe into the moments of heart break and ache, allowing them to be just as valuable as the moments when our hears feel strong and beaming. Tenderness can be required for both. It’s okay to have those moments, it’s okay to not be okay. You’re enough in ALL of those moments, you’re just as valuable in those moments of ache as you are in those moments of inspiration. There is growth even in those moments when our hearts ache - when just b e i n g is all that we can muster.
So, where does our energy go when we’re not focusing on the new us we’re going to become? What if the energy went into nurturing who we are in each moment, with acceptance and love? We’re all continuous works in progress and by removing this expectation that we have to take each new time in our life as an opportunity to be a new fresh various of ourselves, we can give the TLC to the us we already are. Unconditionally + continually, regardless of the time of year, month or day we’re in.